Charlotte St-Germain

Dream Life Mapping Consultation

About this Session

The Dream Life Mapping 1:1 Session is a one-hour consultation designed to help you align with your ideal life vision, whether in personal aspirations or business ambitions.

This is for you if:

  • You want to envision your dream life with greater clarity and purpose and to align your actions towards that vision.
  • You desire a roadmap to transform your dreams into actionable reality.
  • You want guidance or another perspective to navigate through life’s crossroads toward your most aligned reality.
  • You’re looking to align your current path with your true desires and aspirations.

What this Session Helps You With:

  • Mapping out your vision for your dream life or dream brand.
  • Identifying key steps to start turning your vision into action.
  • Providing personalized strategies and tools to support your journey.
  • Enhancing your connection to your intuition and inner guidance.

Why I Created this Session

This session is designed to be an accessible space to have a curious, inspired, honest conversation about what you truly want out of life & what will move you forward towards that vision. 

What the Session Includes

1x 55-minute video call

Investment for this Session:

$145 USD

Ready to Gain Clarity?

Book your session by writing me an email at [email protected]